Thursday, November 12, 2009

Endgame by Matt Voytek

With the loss of an hour also comes the loss of the illusion that we have a lot of time left before the end of the semester, before the coming of that dreaded beast: finals.

As the semester draws to a close, deadlines draw near, and the nature of the beast means that the deadlines come closer together, if not (Heaven forbid!) overlapping.

But it is survivable, with effort and dedication, and we come out the other end with knowledge about ourselves and our traditions, knowledge that will serve us well however we choose to minister to the universe. These trials can be overcome.

This is not just the case in terms of a seminary education; just last week Professor Paul Capetz's quest to be reinstated as an openly gay clergyperson in the Presbyterian Church (USA) came to a successful conclusion.

God be with you in your struggles.


  1. I trust that finals still loom before you? I wish you the very best in applying what you have studied, debated and learned this term. I also shall pray tonight that all students facing the pressure of exams will feel the calming presence of God during these sometimes nerve-wracking days.

    I will be taking my first class at United this Winter Term, and I'm very interested in exploring the topic of discernment in this venue or elsewhere. Anyone willing to share their story or words of wisdom?

    P.S. Matt, I apologize for adding a "new topic" on your post. I confess, I don't know how to start a new post. Thanks, in advance, for your patience with a "newbie." :-)

  2. Amy,

    Sorry for the belated response. This is Aaron Lauer, who keeps up the blog. We try and update the blog periodically with the stories of students and would love to hear your voice in the blog as well as part of our facebook group.

    God bless and we hope you enjoy your winter term class.
